Sunday, January 27, 2013

LOCAL2013: Robert Jackson

This political season -- New York's 2013 city-wide election -- I'm going to be personally involved through the League of Independent Theaters. More details will come.

Today, however, I went to the kick-off for Robert Jackson's 2013 campaign for Manhattan Borough President. As a Brooklyn Resident, I was there mostly in capacity of representing the League, and for my own curiosity.

Because of the bitter cold (especially after the sun disappeared), the event moved rather quickly, and a series of incredibly passionate stump speakers touted Robert Jackson ("Action Jackson")'s credential as a vigorous defender of education. They touted his work for the lawsuit of Campaign for Fiscal Equality v. State of New York and his 2003 stunt of walking 150 miles to Albany to promote education.

And he does pretty well with kids:

Afterwards, he was interviewed by a few Chinese-representing media organizations, and spoke about his work after Hurricane Sandy walking through the projects and helping elderly seniors call their family, even in China. But they still had some tough questions for him about why there were few Asian Americans standing behind him when he made his announcement:

Day 1 of what I'm sure is going to be a long campaign. Welcome to the race.