How I was keeping my mind clean this week:
- Apparently LeBron James also got a bunch of sales people fired, simply by being so awesome.
- Dreamy Peter Orszag (former OMB chief) says that running the budget sucks at the time but feels better afterwards.
- Sharron Angle: "I want them to ask me the questions that we want to answer..."
- Terrifuckifying, to coin a word:
How I was keeping my mind fit this week:
Important facts:
- Fareed Zakaria gives back his ADL prize-money over the "mosque" controversy.
- Speaking of which, a majority of New Yorkers are against that "mosque." Except, if you look at the borough breakdown, in Manhattan only 33% are against it. So how are a majority of New Yorkers against it? Fucking Staten Island, at 76% opposition.
- Ah, what the hell -- you should read a history of Cordoba too.
- As I previously covered, the Library of Congress expanded fair use in some pretty useful ways -- that article covered it well.
- On the subject of Rules of Engagement, here's Maryland police shooting dogs at will. And an Andrew Sullivan reader rounding up the other instances.
Things to watch in the future:
- On the subject of last installment's Kurdistan selling oil to Iran, comes the arrival of Iran's new ambassador to Iraq -- an Iraqi who fought against Iraq in the Iran-Iraq war. First on his agenda, apparently, is trying to sort out the division between the two Shi'ite blocks that's preventing formation of a new government.
- Nullification theory. It started with Jefferson's Virginia and Kentucky resolutions, and then with John C. Calhoun's nullification in South Carolina, and ended in the civil war. Until Governor Perry advocated cession, and now Missouri is considering nullifying the Health Care bill.
- A sequel to the Borat movie, filmed in Kazakhstan.